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Helm says being chair of the Lethbridge Chamber has been a terrific experience

The Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce says farewell this week to its outgoing Chair Randy Helm, as Paige Sarrison has been named chair elect. 

“It’s been a terrific experience. I’ve got to do things I probably wouldn’t have,” says Helm. 

One of the milestones achieved by the Chamber this past year was seeing how advocacy policies set forth by the Chamber are developed at a national level through the Canadian Chamber of Commerce Conference.  

Lethbridge, Helm notes, is recognized by the national team as a place that provides good ideas. 

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Being chair of the Chamber has also given Helm an opportunity to view things from municipal and provincial perspectives through various successful programs, including lunch and learn sessions, breakfasts with the mayor, Business of the Year Awards and other networking events. 

“Those are experiences I don’t normally get in the regular world. Being the chair has allowed me to have those new experiences and be involved in the business community in a different way,” adds Helm. 

According to Helm, having local policies passed at the national and provincial conference level is a big achievement. “It gives us a voice from the city with both provincial and federal governments to be able to advocate for different things such as the policy we had on trying to create affordable housing. Hopefully, some of that advocacy results in what you’re seeing where the province is making a concerted effort in putting funds into communities to build affordable housing.”

Another success this past year was through the engagement and participation of the Chamber’s membership. 

“The membership numbers have always been good. We add new members as we go along on a regular basis. Our membership numbers are healthy,” says Helm.  

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