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HomeNewsPaige Sarrasin excited to be named new Lethbridge Chamber board chair 

Paige Sarrasin excited to be named new Lethbridge Chamber board chair 

The Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce board of directors has a new chair.  

Paige Sarrasin replaces Randy Helm, who served a term 2023-2024.  

READ MORE: Helm says being chair of the Lethbridge Chamber has been a terrific experience 

Sarrasin took her oath at the annual Chairs Reception and Volunteer Recognition Dinner on June 27. 

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“I’m very excited. It was very special to see all the different past chairs and presidents all in one room,” she told MyLethbridgeNow. 

Sarrasin says she has already been part of a general meeting with her board for the 2024-2025 term and is excited to work with such talented individuals. 

“I was able to be in a room full of people that expressed how much they love Lethbridge, working in Lethbridge, living in Lethbridge and then also was able to voice concerns and have people in the room contribute [ideas] on how to address the concerns to make Lethbridge better.” 

She adds that she feels proud and privileged to be a part of this group and “to help connect people and work with people that mak

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Paige Sarrasin (front row, second from left) alongside past chairs of the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce at the annual Chairs Reception and Volunteer Recognition Dinner, June 27, 2024. (Photo: My Lethbridge Now)

e this a wonderful place to do business, to raise our families, to live and to help it grow and be the best it can be.” 


One area of focus for Sarrasin is strengthening connections between board members from different sectors. 

“They all have so much to offer,” she remarks. 

“I really do feel that the connections help businesses move forward and policy move forward and all of those things, versus one person alone, so just bringing people together is probably what I’m most excited about.”  

This year marks the 135-year anniversary of the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce. 

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